My Purpose
I am someone that believes in progressing in every area of life and helping others do the same. I have had the amazing opportunities to have the life of a professional athlete while studying online to be the best I can be for myself and give to others to inspire them to be their best as well.
Why NLPSD Started
NLPSD began in 2020 when I was playing professionally in Denmark during Covid. During quarantine, I wanted to learn an "umbrella" of knowledge that relates to the success of soccer players, which is why I have different degrees and certifications in multiple topics, such as: soccer, kinesiology, fitness, nutrition, sport and performance psychology, corrective exercise, Thai massage, and proper recovery. With all of my knowledge, I want to teach young players all the knowledge I have now that I did not have when I was younger.


NLPSD's goal is to help soccer players achieve their dreams and goals in their soccer careers. For the soccer players that want to play pro (or university level), NLPSD has the passion and motivation to give you all the necessary tools and trainings to help you get to where you want to be in your career. NLPSD gives the soccer player the opportunity to work closely with a professional player and learn what it takes to become a professional player. NLPSD mentors soccer player closely and provides training programs the soccer player needs to get to the pro level. The training programs are specifically made for the soccer player based on their needs and goals.
Give Insight to Soccer Players
Everyone's journey is different and I want to help players on their own path to their goals and dreams. I want to be that person where soccer players can ask me questions and seek advice on what can be best for them and their development. I love sharing views and ideas with other players, learning from each other and growing our passions in the sport together.

Help Others Learn How to Properly Weight Train
I got my bachelors in kinesiology and certifications in performance exercise and corrective exercise so I can help athletes learn how to properly train to maximize their performance. I want to teach young athletes how to move properly, gain awareness of how they feel in the movements, and learn why they are performing sport specific movements.
Provide the Total Soccer Package
My goal is to make NLPSD the total soccer package for soccer players. I want to provide insight for players in soccer training, weight/strength training, agility, fitness, running mechanics, nutrition, recover, mobility, and soccer analysis. I am still working towards creating the resource that is easily accessible and vital to the athlete and I am grateful that I have people who believe in working with me already. More to come!

Help Them Develop the Mentality to Gain Success
I was never taught the mental skills to develop myself into the player I am today. I did not have the resources to know how to think or feel when it came to success and hardships. I want to help young athletes that they have the ability to successfully become the athlete they dream of with the unstoppable mindset.