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Work 1 on 1 with a Pro Player

You have the opportunity to train with me one-on-one online. You can choose to work with me solely on fitness or have the rare opportunity to be mentored by a professional player. For more details, please read below. Let's get started on your soccer journey today!

1 on 1 Strength Training

My 1 on 1 strength training service is designed to help athletes solely focus on their physical abilities and development. With the option to pair it with nutrition coaching and virtual workout sessions, I provide a comprehensive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals through the Volt app. I invite you to learn more about my services and I can help you progress in your physical development!

  • Best Value

    1 on 1 Online Membership

    Every month
    Perfect for people who want online workout programs
     ৩০ day free trial
    • Customized Workout Programs Every Month
    • 1-on-1 Video Training Sessions with me
    • Weekly Nutrition Coaching
    • Mobility Programs for Proper Recovery
  • 1 on 1 Virtual Training

    Every month
    For motivated people who need structure in weight training
     ৩০ day free trial
    • Monthly Weight Training Programs
    • 1-on-1 Virtual Training Sessions
    • Mobility/Recovery Workouts
    • Guidance in Proper Movement
    • Weekly Check-ins
  • 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching

    Every month
    The program to build knowledge and comfort with nutrition
     ১৪ day free trial
    • 60 Minute Video Meetings Once a Week
    • Goal Setting
    • Meal Plans
    • Tips and Exercises to Implement Healthier Habits
    • Knowledge on Proper Nutrition
  • Individual Customized Strength Training

    Every month
    Perfect for people who have the motivation to train alone.
     ৩০ day free trial
    • Customized Workout Programs
    • Instructional Videos
    • Feedback on Form/Movements
    • Weekly Check-ins

1 on 1 Soccer Mentoring

The mentoring program offers you the unique opportunity to work closely with a professional player who will guide you in every aspect of your game. With mentoring, you'll receive all the services provided by NLPSD and personalized guidance to ensure your development and help you achieve your goals. I encourage you to read more about the mentoring program and take the first step towards becoming a better player."

NLPSD Mentoring

What services are you looking for with mentorship? This will influence the total costs.
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